Tuesday, January 10, 2006

This is not a resolution: But...I did ride my bike to work today. Huff, huff, drip drip. It only took about a half an hour, not a bad commute. We shall see how this goes. I think at this point the only way I'm going to get continuous exercise is if I work into my routine in this way. So long as it doesn't rain, I'll keep pedaling. Seems to have worked for Mr. Chris Palmatier, so hopefully it will for me.

The goal is to get back down to about 195 from the current chubby hubby weight of 215. Again: not a resolution, only a goal.

It's funny, since we developed a bunch of old reels of film sitting around from before or just about the time we got our digital camera...and I remember the Christmas holiday of 2002 feeling like I need to lose a few pounds, and ended up taking "power walks" for all of 2003 doing just that. But some of the pictures we developed, which were from that period, make me wonder why I felt like I was so overweight. I look thin in those pictures compared to now. I guess it's always in the eye of the beholder.

At any rate, it's not so much about the pounds than the age. I have to keep reminding myself that, maturity level aside, I'm no longer in my early 20s.

I remember Bob Mould posted something in his journal on the same subject...certainly more articulate than this. 'Round about 2002-03 as well.

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