Saturday, July 31, 2010

I have decided to institute a series of "Web Free" Fridays, the frequency of which will be determined. I'll have more on the subject and the reasons behind this soon, but yesterday was the first and it was a success. Web Free Friday simply means no use of computer, internet or mobile web devices for the day. I found myself reaching for the Blackberry to check email from time to time and reminding myself not to do it, otherwise, I didn't have too much trouble.

I'm going to take Fridays off from time to time and institute this, spending time either with family, a good book, or volunteering in the community. In fact, yesterday morning I saw volunteers here in the Dimond picking up litter and I know La Farine sponsors these events by providing free baked goods for those who volunteer. This may be a start.

I'll provide a hint as to one of the reasons now: In an age of instantaneous communication, I think it's a good idea for all of us to take a day, from time to time, to step back from the information grid. And there is the lesson to "think before you post," but I'll save elaboration on that comment for

How It’s Going, in three Haikus

What I miss these days is a lightness of being Things now seem heavy — jumping from crisis to crisis, duties to cross off on some checklist ...